Community - near and far
Here are some of the projects we are involved in here at St Michael's, both locally and further afield. If you would like to be involved, get in touch with Martine, our vicar.
150 school uniforms for children in CAMBODIA
The effects of the murderous Khmer Rouge regime are still being felt in Cambodia, even after fifty years. There is huge poverty and there are many orphans. Children cannot attend school without a school uniform and so we want to raise £3,200 to buy 150 uniforms which will be distributed by an NGO called ODA (Opportunities for Development through Art.) A member of our congregation. Please give generously to the '150 Uniforms' project by visiting our GIVING page and selecting "150 Uniforms Project" from the FUND drop-down menu.
Community Cafe - Thursdays 10-12am in Church
As much coffee/tea as you like and a slice of cake for £1! Spread the word about this unbeatable deal - and come along. Some weeks we have guest speakers, so check out our "What's Happening This Week" page to see if there are any coming up.
Cook a Meal for someone on the Prayer List. If you think you might be able could cook a meal for someone who is on our prayer list, please contact Martine
Daily Bread - We are baking bread as a gift to all parishioners – working our way round street by street. You can help by offering to join the baking team or providing ingredients – we need strong bread flour (white and wholemeal) and 500g pots of plain natural yoghurt.
Could you help by doing some bread baking in Church? Please let Simon Wethered know if you can help.
Foodbank - Many people in our borough depend on Foodbanks. We will next be delivering Foodbank donations to the collection centre at HOPE CHURCH HOUNSLOW on Wednesday 12 March 2025. If you would like to contribute, there is a collection container for Foodbank donations in the North East porch of the Church where you can leave non-perishables and toiletries. Or drop donations off to Sue White at 24 Elmwood Rd. Most wanted items include tinned meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. Thank you so much.
Visiting by phone - Befriend someone who is housebound or lonely. To find out more contact the Vicar.
Get involved and help make a difference in our community.
Get involved by coming to Church
Expect to find a diverse range of people, biblically-based preaching, beautiful music and a friendly welcome.
Get involved by doing something
We are all different and have different gifts and that is something to rejoice in.
One of the best ways to get connected at Church is to find a way to get involved.
Here are some things you might be interested in:
• Greeting and welcoming people at the start of our services
• Music - singing in the Choir or playing a musical instrument in our Band
• Reading from the Bible in Church
• Training to lead us in prayer in Church
• Serving teas and coffees after the service
• Flower arranging
• The Hounslow Winter Night Shelter Project for the Homeless
Just let the Vicar know and she will put you in touch with the right person to find out more.
Or use this form to get in touch with the Vicar
Winter Night Shelter - Cook a meal or breakfast, help set up and host our shelter for fifteen local homeless men. To find out more contact Sue.
Care for Carers - Help give respite to a local person who is caring for someone in the home. To find out more contact Sue.