What's on at St Michael's this week and some future dates for your diary ....
Our Lenten homily from John Chrysostom (347-407CE), who was Archbishop of Constantinople and known for his preaching and public speaking (his name literally means "golden-mouthed.")
Do you fast? Give me proof of it by your works.
If you see a person who is poor, take pity on them.
If you see an enemy, be reconciled to them.
If you see a friend being honoured, do not envy them.
Let not only your mouth fast,
but also your hands and feet and eyes and ears and all the members of your body.
Let the hands fast by being free of avarice.
Let the feet fast by ceasing to run after sin.
Let the eyes fast by not looking with lust.
Let the ears fast by not listening to malicious talk or false reports.
Let the mouth fast from hateful words and unjust rants.
For what good is it if we abstain from birds and fishes
but bite and devour our brothers and sisters?
[for fishes one could read chocolate or alcohol …]
Morning Prayer (MON-SAT) Download the Daily Prayer App on your phone and join us via the link here.
We are reading Jill Duffield's Reflections in Lent in Plain Sight online after Morning Prayer – at around 9.20-9.50am during Lent. You can join through this link.
Evening Prayer (MON-SAT) Use your Daily Prayer App and join us via this link here.
Stretch Class 2pm in Church. Please contact Siew Walton for more information.
After School Club 3.30pm - 6pm. Please contact Hansol for more information.
Lent Course 8-9.30pm in Church
Starting on Monday 17 March and ending on 7 April, our Licensed Lay Minister Sarah Tonks will be leading a four session course that will help us engage with key passages from Luke's gospel that take us to the heart of Lent and the suffering and death of Jesus. We will explore the passages through reflective listening, discussion and works of art. Everyone is welcome - you may want to bring a notebook to record your reflections.
Bible Reading Group 10-11.30am. Meeting in Church or online, reading and discussing passages from the Bible.
Youth Club Our Youth Club** is for 10-15 yr olds - Tuesday evenings in the Centre 5.30-7.00pm. Contact Hansol for more information.
Alphabeats 9.30-11am. Our parent/carer, 0-5 years singing and playgroup gathering in Church with lots of toys and tea! Contact Sue for more information.
Wednesday Book Club 12-1pm in Church. We are reading The City is my Monastery by Richard Carter. You can find out more about the book in this short video here.
Christian Meditation 7.15-7.45pm in Church. Contact Kathleen for more information
CAFÉ@St Michael's 10am-12noon in Church. Pop in for coffee (or tea!), a catch-up with friends and lots of yummy cake.
Stretch Class 2pm in Church. Please contact Siew Walton for more information.
After School Club 3.30pm - 6pm. Please contact Hansol for more information.
Praise and Prayer 7-8pm in Church
9.30am Holy Communion with St Michael's Choir & Children's Church
11am Holy Communion with St Michael's Band & Children's Church
Morning Prayer (MON-SAT) Download the Daily Prayer App on your phone and join us via the link here.
We are reading Jill Duffield's Reflections in Lent in Plain Sight online after Morning Prayer – at around 9.20-9.50am during Lent. You can join through this link.
Evening Prayer (MON-SAT) Use your Daily Prayer App and join us via this link here.
EVERY 4th FRIDAY IN THE MONTH Praise and Prayer 7-8pm in Church
MONDAY EVENING Lent Course: 17 MARCH - 7 APRIL 8-9.30pm in Church
Starting on Monday 17 March and ending on 7 April, our Licensed Lay Minister Sarah Tonks will be leading a four session course that will help us engage with key passages from Luke's gospel that take us to the heart of Lent and the suffering and death of Jesus. We will explore the passages through reflective listening, discussion and works of art. Everyone is welcome - you may want to bring a notebook to record your reflections.
9-12 APRIL The Railway Children production by the St Michael's Players
MAUNDY THURSDAY Holy Communion 8pm in Church
Walk of Witness 9.30am
Good Friday Meditations 12noon-2pm
Dawn Service 6am by the River
9.30am Holy Communion with St Michael's Choir
11am Holy Communion with St Michael's Band
SUNDAY 27 APRIL Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) 6pm in Church