Say hello

Get involved by coming to Church

Our main worship services are at 9:30 am and 11 am, every Sunday. Expect to find a diverse range of people, biblically-based preaching, beautiful music and a friendly welcome.

Get involved by doing something

We are all different and have different gifts and that is something to rejoice in.
One of the best ways to get connected at Church is to find a way to get involved.

Here are some things you might be interested in:

• Greeting and welcoming people at the start of our services

• Music - singing in the Choir or playing a musical instrument

• Reading from the Bible in Church

• Training to lead us in prayer in Church

• Serving teas and coffees after the service

• Flower arranging

• The Hounslow Winter Night Shelter Project for the Homeless

Just let the Vicar know and she will put you in touch with the right person to find out more.

Or use this form to get in touch with the Vicar